Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Exalogic vDC Management - Part 8

Dear Readers,

My name is Franz Devantier, creator of this blog.  I am an Oracle Certified Professional (OCP DBA 11g) Security DBA.  I will be sharing with you the basic duties of an Oracle DBA, and also some of the undocumented, and not so well known tasks. 

I will make a deal with you:  If you refer me to a company that needs database support, from a few hours per week to full time, and I am able to sign a contract with them.
Then I will give you 10% of the monthly contract or deal price every month.  When the contract ends, and we re-sign the contract, I will again give you 10% of the monthly contract price.  This will go on until the company no longer employs or contracts me or my agents to look after their databases.
I can do this, because that 10% is my marketing budget.  When we re-sign the contract, in the future, it may depend on you giving the thumbs up again, and that is worth 10% of the monthly contract price, to be given to you as commission.
Contact: Franz

Exalogic vDC Management -  Part 8
Creating Distribution Groups
You can perform these steps to create a Distribution group in Exalogic Control:
1. You want to display the account dashboard, to do this; on the left navigation pane, click “vDC Management”.  Under the vDC Accounts, you will see a list of accounts, click on your account for example “Dept1”.
2.  In the “Actions” pane under “Operate” on the right hand side, click on “Create Distribution Group”.  The Create Distribution Group wizard is displayed.

3. In the Name field enter a name for your distribution group for example: Dept1DistGrp1.  This name must consist of upper and lower case letters, and numbers.  Optionally give it a description and create tabs.  Click on the “Next” button.  The “Distribution Group Configuration” screen is displayed.
4. In the “Number of Elements” field, you define the number of Oracle VM Servers on which the vServers can be placed.  The size of the distribution group is limited by the physical number of Oracle VM Servers that are available in the server Pools of the vDC.  The server Pool is configured by Exalogic Control, by default.
5. Click on the “Next” button, the “Summary” screen is displayed.
6. Review the Summary, and when you are happy you can click on the “Finish” button to create the Distribution group.  You can’t specify a Distribution Group for a set of vServers after you have already created the vServers.

Franz Devantier,
Need a database health check, or a security audit?

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Exalogic vDC Management - Part 7

Dear Readers,

My name is Franz Devantier, creator of this blog.  I am an Oracle Certified Professional (OCP DBA 11g) Security DBA.  I will be sharing with you the basic duties of an Oracle DBA, and also some of the undocumented, and not so well known tasks. 

I will make a deal with you:  If you refer me to a company that needs database support, from a few hours per week to full time, and I am able to sign a contract with them.
Then I will give you 10% of the monthly contract or deal price every month.  When the contract ends, and we re-sign the contract, I will again give you 10% of the monthly contract price.  This will go on until the company no longer employs or contracts me or my agents to look after their databases.
I can do this, because that 10% is my marketing budget.  When we re-sign the contract, in the future, it may depend on you giving the thumbs up again, and that is worth 10% of the monthly contract price, to be given to you as commission.
Contact: Franz

Exalogic vDC Management -  Part 7
Creating Private vNets
A private vNet is an IPoIB network that has been created within the Exalogic fabric, in order to enable secure vServer to vServer communication.

There are a few steps required to create a private vNet.
1. Move to the left navigation panel, and click on “vDC Management”.  Find the name of your account under the “vDC Accounts” that have been listed, for example “Dept1”.  The vDC Account dashboard is displayed.
2. On the “Actions” pane, click on “Create Private vNet”, the Create Private vNet wizard is displayed .

3. Enter a name for the private vNet in the “Name” field.  For example “vNet1”.  The name can consist of letters of the alphabet, upper case and lower case, and numerals.
4. In the “Description” field, you can optionally enter a description for the private vNet.  Optionally you can create tags.
5. Click on the “Next” button.  The “Private vNet Configuration” screen is displayed.
6. Enter the maximum number of vServers that can be part of this vNet, in the “Number of elements” field.  The numbers will be rounded up to the next value in the range of numbers (2,6,14,30,62,126,254,510,1022,2046,4096,8190).  The slider on the screen has a set of limited values.  If you enter a value that is not in the list, then on the summary screen, you will see that it has moved up to the next highest number.  If for example you entered the number 30, then you would have 8 IP addresses in the range.   However the highest and lowest addresses are reserved, so you would effectively have 6 IP addresses in the range, that are available to the private vNet.
7. Click on the “Next” button, the “Summary” screen is displayed.  Review the Summary and when you are satisfied, you can click on the “Finish” button.  This will create the private vNet.  You can verify the private vNet, by clicking on the “Networks” tab on the top navigation bar.  You will see it listed in the “Private vNets” section.  Once you have created a private vNet, then you can use it for new vServers, that are created by Cloud Users in this Account.

Franz Devantier,
Need a database health check, or a security audit?

Monday, June 10, 2013

Exalogic vDC Management - Part 6

Dear Readers,

My name is Franz Devantier, creator of this blog.  I am an Oracle Certified Professional (OCP DBA 11g) Security DBA.  I will be sharing with you the basic duties of an Oracle DBA, and also some of the undocumented, and not so well known tasks. 

I will make a deal with you:  If you refer me to a company that needs database support, from a few hours per week to full time, and I am able to sign a contract with them.
Then I will give you 10% of the monthly contract or deal price every month.  When the contract ends, and we re-sign the contract, I will again give you 10% of the monthly contract price.  This will go on until the company no longer employs or contracts me or my agents to look after their databases.
I can do this, because that 10% is my marketing budget.  When we re-sign the contract, in the future, it may depend on you giving the thumbs up again, and that is worth 10% of the monthly contract price, to be given to you as commission.
Contact: Franz

Exalogic vDC Management -  Part 6
Examining Cloud User's Account Information
You must log into the Exalogic machine with your Cloud User credentials.
-> On the left navigation pane, click on “vDC Management”.  Under “vDC Accounts”, find the name of your Account and click on it, for example “Dept1”.  The vDC Account dashboard is displayed in the center pane.

-> View the vDC dashboard, and notice how there are tabs on the top with different types of information in them.

-> To examine the networks in your vDC Account, you can click on the “Networks” tab.  Then you can view the private vNets in your Account and their resource quota and limits.

-> To view the storage information, you click on the “Storage” tab on the top navigation bar.  Here you can view information about the storage resources and quotas in your Account.  Also information about the vServer root disks, Volumes, and Snapshots.

-> Click  on the “vServers” tab on the top navigation bar.  You will then see information related to the vServers and Distribution groups in your Account.

-> Click on “Server Templates” on the top navigation bar, to examine the Server Templates available in your Account.

-> Click on the “Incidents” tab on the top navigation bar.  Here you can view incidents and alerts on your Account.

-> Click on the “Jobs” tab on the top navigation bar.  Here you can examine current or historical jobs.

Uploading and Registering a Server Template
Server templates contain the configuration of an individual vServer with its virtual disk.  Templates can have the extension or format of .tgz, or .tar, or other file types.  In order to upload a server template from a network you can use HTTP, HTTPS, or FTP network protocols.  The network types that the template was on could include EolB networks, as long as this network is available  to the Ops Center Enterprise Controller VM.

You can follow these steps to upload a Server template to Exalogic Control.
1. On the left navigation pane, click on “vDC Management”.  Then you move to “vDC Accounts” and click on the name of your account, for example it could have been “Dept1”.  You will see th vDC dashboard displayed.
2. On the navigation bar at the top. Click on “Server Templates”.  The server templates in account “Dept1” will be displayed.
3. Under Server Templates, click on the “Upload Server Template” icon.  As an alternative you could have clicked on “Upload Server Template” below “Operate”, which would be available on the “Actions” pane.
The Upload Server Template wizard is displayed.

4. Bring the “Identify Server Template” screen up.  On this screen you can enter a name for the template, as well as a description.  It would make sense to add tags as well, to make it easier to find later on.
5. Click on the “Next” button, the “Specify Server Template Details” screen is displayed.

6. Next to “Image SubType” click on the “Template” radio button.
7. Next to the “Upload Source” click on the “URL” radio button.  Then you can go down to the “Server Template URL:” and enter the URL where the template is located.  When you are finished you can click on the “Next” button.
8. The Summary screen is displayed.  Review the summary, when you are satisfied, you can click on the “Upload” button.  You will see the Server Template listed with the others, on the left navigation pane under “Server Template”.
9. You can also click on “Server Templates” on the top navigation bar.  You will see the Server Templates listed, and the one you have just uploaded should also be there.

Making a Server Template Public
The server template is then available to the Cloud Users, that are assigned to the account that it was loaded into.  If you want to make it available to all the accounts, in the vDC, then you must make it into a Public Template.
1. From the left navigation pane, select “vDC Management”.
2. Under “vDCs”, expand “MyCloud”.
3. Now you can expand “Accounts”, and then select your account.
4. Now you can click on the “Server Templates” tab.
5. Click on the server template that you want to work on.  Then click on the “Register Server Template” icon.

6.  Clicking on “Register Template Server” is what changes the value of “Public” to Yes, A confirmation screen will come up, click on the “OK” button.

7. There should now be a “Yes” under the “Public” field.

9. If you decided to make this template private again, then you would select the template, and clidk on the “Unregister Server Template” icon, after this you just need to follow the recommendations to change it.

Franz Devantier,
Need a database health check, or a security audit?

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Exalogic vDC Management - Part 5

Dear Readers,

My name is Franz Devantier, creator of this blog.  I am an Oracle Certified Professional (OCP DBA 11g) Security DBA.  I will be sharing with you the basic duties of an Oracle DBA, and also some of the undocumented, and not so well known tasks. 

I will make a deal with you:  If you refer me to a company that needs database support, from a few hours per week to full time, and I am able to sign a contract with them.
Then I will give you 10% of the monthly contract or deal price every month.  When the contract ends, and we re-sign the contract, I will again give you 10% of the monthly contract price.  This will go on until the company no longer employs or contracts me or my agents to look after their databases.
I can do this, because that 10% is my marketing budget.  When we re-sign the contract, in the future, it may depend on you giving the thumbs up again, and that is worth 10% of the monthly contract price, to be given to you as commission.
Contact: Franz

Exalogic vDC Management -  Part 5
Verifying the vDC
The Cloud Admin will verify the vDC, after the Cloud Users have performed their actions.  The Cloud Admin can verify and monitor the vNets and Storage available in the vDC, as well as the CPU allocation, the memory allocation, and the storage allocation.  Then the Cloud Admin can look at the usage metrics to see how much of the allocated resources are boing used.

To verify the vDC:
-> Firstly you must log into the Exalogic Control as the Cloud Admin User.

-> Move to the left navigation pane.  Click on “vDC Management”,  under the vDCs, find and click on the name of the default vDC, in your Exalogic machine.
The “Dashboard” tab is displayed in the central pane.
Under the “Resource Allocation” tab, you will find graphical views of the CPU, Memory, and Storage resources that have been allocated to the accounts in the vDC.  Under the “Resource Usage” tab, you will find details on the CPU resource usage, Memory resource usage, and Storage resource usage.

-> Click on the “Networks” tab on the top navigation pane.  Under “Application Internal Networks”, you can view all the private vNets.

-> Click on the “Storage” tab on the top navigation pane.  Here you can view information about the allocation and usage of storage in the vDC.  For example you can view information about the vServers  root disks, vServers block starage, and the vServers storage allocation. 

Logging Out of Exalogic Control
It is always good practice to logout of the Exalogic Control after completing a series of tasks.  The logout link is on the right hand side top corner of the Exalogic Control BUI.

Creating and Managing Exalogic vDC Resources
There are a number of broad categories in this process:
-> Logging in as a Cloud User.
-> Examining Cloud Users Account information.
-> Updating and registering a Server template.
-> Creating Private vNets.
-> Creating Distribution Groups.
-> Creating Volumes.
-> Creating vServers.
-> Managing high availability of vServers.
-> Detaching Volumes from a vServer.
-> Creating a Snapshot from a Volume.  
->Creating a Volume from a Snapshot.

Logging In As a Cloud User
You would simply log into the Exalogic Control Console as a Cloud user, for example as “User1”, if User1 was a Cloud User.

Franz Devantier,
Need a database health check, or a security audit?

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Exalogic vDC Management - Part 4

Dear Readers,

My name is Franz Devantier, creator of this blog.  I am an Oracle Certified Professional (OCP DBA 11g) Security DBA.  I will be sharing with you the basic duties of an Oracle DBA, and also some of the undocumented, and not so well known tasks. 

I will make a deal with you:  If you refer me to a company that needs database support, from a few hours per week to full time, and I am able to sign a contract with them.
Then I will give you 10% of the monthly contract or deal price every month.  When the contract ends, and we re-sign the contract, I will again give you 10% of the monthly contract price.  This will go on until the company no longer employs or contracts me or my agents to look after their databases.
I can do this, because that 10% is my marketing budget.  When we re-sign the contract, in the future, it may depend on you giving the thumbs up again, and that is worth 10% of the monthly contract price, to be given to you as commission.
Contact: Franz

Exalogic vDC Management -  Part 4
Adding Users to an Account
Adding cloud users to the Account and granting the privileges to use the resources allocated to the Account; can be done while you create the account, or after you have created the Account.

To add Cloud users after creating an Account, you can follow these steps:
-> On the left navigation panel, click on “vDC Management”.  Under thevDCs, you can click on the default vDC in your Exalogic machine.  Then you can click on the “Accounts” option.  Or you could have just gone to the “Accounts” tab on the top navigation bar.  The “Accounts” page is displayed.

-> Select the Account that you want to work with, for example “Dept1”.

-> On the “Actions” pane, click on “Add Users”.  The “Add Users” wizard is displayed.  On this screen is a list of available Cloud Users on the left, and a list of already assigned Could users on the right hand side.

-> Select the Cloud Users that you would like to assign to the Account, and move them to the Assigned users on the right hand side, by clicking on the right arrow icon.

-> Click on the “Next” button to view the summary screen.

-> Review the Summary screen, and when you are ready, you can click on the “Finish” button to add the Cloud User to the Account

Assigning Networks to an Account
As the Cloud Admin user, you can assign networks like for example Ethernet over InfiniBand (EoIB) to an Account, by following the below steps:
-> In the navigation pane on the left, click on the “vDC Management”.  When you get the list of vDCs in your Exalogic machine, you can click on the name of the default vDC.  Then you select the Account listed under the list of Accounts in your default vDC.

-> Then you must right click on this Account, and choose the “Update Account” option.  The “Update Account” wizard is displayed.

-> On the “Specify Account Details” screen, click on the “Next” button to continue.  The “Specify Account Resource Limits” screen is dislayed.

-> Select the check box that corresponds to the required network type, from the list of Public Networks Resource Limits section.  For example you may have selected “External EoIB Network”.  
In the Limit field, you must specify the number of IP addresses to be allocated from the available addresses.   When you are satisfied, then you can click on the “Next” button.  The Summary screen is displayed.

-> You must review the information in the summary.  For example you must verify that it includes assigned networks under the section “Newly Assigned Public Networks”.

-> Click on the “Finish” button.

Examining the vDC
After performing Cloud Administration tasks, then you should examine the Virtual data Center (vDC) in your Exalogic machine:
-> IN the left navigation pane, you can click on “vDC Management”.  Under the vDCs, you click on the name of the default vDC, in your Exalogic machine.  The vDC Dashboard is displayed in the middle pane of the screen.

-> To examine the Accounts in the vDC, you click on the “Accounts” tab.  On this tab you can view the newly created Accounts.

-> You can examine the networks in the default vDC, by clicking on the “Networks’ tab.  You can continue by clicking on the “Network Configuration” tab, to view the network configuration.  The network configuration page will show you the network infrastructure, for example the public external networks, and the application internal networks in the vDC.   
You can click on the “Network Allocation” tab to view the network allocation details.  Here you will be able to look at the allocation of public IP addresses and the virtual networks (vNets), that have been defined in the vDC.  

Franz Devantier,
Need a database health check, or a security audit?

Friday, June 7, 2013

Exalogic vDC Management - Part 3

Dear Readers,

My name is Franz Devantier, creator of this blog.  I am an Oracle Certified Professional (OCP DBA 11g) Security DBA.  I will be sharing with you the basic duties of an Oracle DBA, and also some of the undocumented, and not so well known tasks. 

I will make a deal with you:  If you refer me to a company that needs database support, from a few hours per week to full time, and I am able to sign a contract with them.
Then I will give you 10% of the monthly contract or deal price every month.  When the contract ends, and we re-sign the contract, I will again give you 10% of the monthly contract price.  This will go on until the company no longer employs or contracts me or my agents to look after their databases.
I can do this, because that 10% is my marketing budget.  When we re-sign the contract, in the future, it may depend on you giving the thumbs up again, and that is worth 10% of the monthly contract price, to be given to you as commission.
Contact: Franz

Exalogic vDC Management -  Part 3
Establishing Cloud Accounts
Establishing Cloud Accounts in the vDC, involves creating Cloud Users and Cloud Accounts.

Creating Accounts for Cloud Users
For example to create a Cloud Account “Account1” for “User1”, and “Account2” for “User2”, you can follow these steps:
1.) Login to the Exalogic Control as the Cloud admin user.
2.) ON the left Navigation pane, click on “vDC Management”.  Under vDCs, click on the name of the default vDC in your Exalogic machine from the list of vDCs.  Now click on the “Accounts” tab on the top navigation bar, or just click on “Accounts”.  The “Accounts” page is displayed.  Click on the “+” icon to start the “Create Account Wizard”.
3.) In the “Specify Account Details” window, you fill in the fields, for example:
Name: Dept1
Description: Account for Dept1

4.) Click on the “Next” button.  The “Specify Account Resource Limits” screen is displayed.  The Account Resource Limits represent the sum total of all resources that are available to all of the users that will execute in the context of the Account, in this case “dept1”.

5.) You must now enter values for the following fields:
-> vCPU: This field should take an integer value, for example a value of 20 may be appropriate, because this is for the account resource limit.
-> Memory: You can enter a value in Giga-Bytes, which again could be reasonably high, for example: 100 GB.
-> Storage: Again you want to define the storage in Giga-Bytes, which can be reasonably high, because the Exalogic machine has very high total specs, for example: 2000 GB.
-> Number of private vNets: Again this is a number value that can range from 0 to 4096.  If you imagine that about 12 should be more than enough, you can enter a value of 12 here.

While you are entering this information, it is very important to look at the box in the middle of the screen with the heading “Resource Quota Information”.  Make sure that you don’t oversubscribe any of the resources.  The important thing here is to provide appropriate values, and to do proper planning to facilitate the smooth growth of your Exalogic investment.

-> Public Networks Resource Limits:  This table is at the bottom of the screen.  Under here you will find the public networks that are available in the vDC listed.  You need to select the Public Networks that you need to be accessible by the users of the account (Dept1).  On the right hand side of the table, in the “Limit” column, you can specify the number of IP addresses to be allocated from the “Available Addresses” column.

6.) When you are finished, then click on the “Next” button.   The “Assign Users” screen is displayed.

Select the users from the “Available Cloud Users” in the left hand pane, and click on the Arrow icon, to move them across to the “Assigned Cloud Users” in the right hand pane.  After the account creation, you can add additional Cloud users to the Account.

7.) Click on the “Next” button, the “Summary” screen is displayed.

8.) When you have finished reviewing the Summary, then you can click on the “Finish” button to create the Account, for example “Dept1”.

9.) You can continue to create additional accounts, which will be listed under the “Account” on the left navigation pane.  You can also click on the “Accounts” tab on the top navigation bar, to verify that the new Accounts are created and listed.

Franz Devantier,
Need a database health check, or a security audit?

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Exalogic vDC Management - Part 1

Dear Readers,

My name is Franz Devantier, creator of this blog.  I am an Oracle Certified Professional (OCP DBA 11g) Security DBA.  I will be sharing with you the basic duties of an Oracle DBA, and also some of the undocumented, and not so well known tasks. 

I will make a deal with you:  If you refer me to a company that needs database support, from a few hours per week to full time, and I am able to sign a contract with them.
Then I will give you 10% of the monthly contract or deal price every month.  When the contract ends, and we re-sign the contract, I will again give you 10% of the monthly contract price.  This will go on until the company no longer employs or contracts me or my agents to look after their databases.
I can do this, because that 10% is my marketing budget.  When we re-sign the contract, in the future, it may depend on you giving the thumbs up again, and that is worth 10% of the monthly contract price, to be given to you as commission.
Contact: Franz

Exalogic vDC Management -  Part 1
Exalogic Virtual Data Center (vDC) Management: Basic Tasks
There are a number of basic tasks related to the Exalogic Virtual Data Center (vDC), the management of which is performed through the browser user interface (BUI) of Exalogic Control.

Logging In as Cloud Admin User
Log in to the Exalogic Control console as the Cloud Admin user.

Examining the Default vDC
Once you are logged in you can examine the default Virtual Data Center (vDC) in your Exalogic machine as follows:
1.) From the left navigation pane, click “vDC Management”.  Under the vDCs, click on the name of the default vDC in your Exalogic machine.  The vDC dashboard will be displayed.  The Exalogic machine has only one default vDC.

2.) Now you can view the vDC dashboard which is the middle pane on the screen.  (MyCloud – Virtual Datacenter)

3.) You can examine the networks in the default vDC, by clicking the Networks tab.  You will then see the network configuration and the network allocation if you click the displayed Network Configuration and Network Allocation tabs, respectively.

The Network Configuration page will show you the network infrastructure, public external networks, and application or internal private networks in the vDC.  The Network Allocation page will also show you the allocation of public IP addresses and virtual networks (vNets) in the vDC.

4.) To view the information about the storage infrastructure in the vDC, you can click “Storage”, which is on the top navigation bar.

5.) You can examine the Oracle VM Server pools in the vDC, by clicking on “Server Pools” in the top navigation bar.

5. Examine the Oracle VM Server pools in the vDC by clicking Server Pools on the
top navigation bar.  The server pools are configured in the Exalogic machine by Exalogic Control by default.

6.) On the top navigation bar you will see “vServer Types”, which you can click on in order to examine the vServer types.

You can create a new vServer type, by completing a few steps:
-> Form the left navigation pane, click on “vDC Management”.  Under vDCs, click on the name of your vDC.  The vDC dashboard will be displayed.
-> From the “Operate” menu on the right hand “Actions”pane, click on “Create vServer Type”.  You will see the vServer Type wizard displayed.
-> Fill in the blank fields, for example: Name, Description, and Tags for the new server type.
-> Click on the Next button.
    The Configure vServer Type screen is displayed.
-> Here you can specify, the Memory Size in GB, and the Number of vCPUs.  When you have everything the way you want it, you can click on the “Next” button.
   The Summary screen will be displayed.
-> Verify that you are happy with the settings on the summary page and click on the “Finish” button.
-> You can verify the newly created vServer type.  Click on the “vServer Types” tab on the top navigation pane.  The newly created vServer Type will be listed with the other vServer Types.

7.) You can examine all the incidents in the vDC by clicking on the “Incidents” tab in the top navigation bar.  In this tab, you will be able to view all the incidents and alerts for the entire vDC.

8.) You can examine all the current and/or historical jobs by clicking on the “Jobs” tab on the top navigation bar.

 Franz Devantier,
Need a database health check, or a security audit?